Tuesday, February 14, 2012

SCSM 2012 - Affected User Populates Affected Item Selection

I don't know if many people have noticed this, because I sure didn't. Maybe I am not the most observant person. On the incident form, you see "Affected user CIs:". I have always seen it, but nothing ever "clicked." When you enter an affected user, it gives you a list of CIs for that User.

You have SCSM 2012 Installed
You have your SCCM Connector Synchronized and it pulls workstation and user information.
You have AD Synchronized for users.

Open the Incident Form
Add an Affected User
Watch the Affected user CIs get populated.


Thursday, February 2, 2012

SCSM Find the Relationship GUID between two Work Items Components

I was recently editing a notification mangement pack and needed to find the GUID for a relationship between two instance so I could send an email to the correct user.
IN SCSM 2012 there is a cmdlet that can be used to find the name if a relationship called get-SCRelationship. However, it doesn't provide the GUID.

If you want to view all relationship types along with there GUID and other details, use this simple database query. Open SQL Management Studio and connect to your Service Manager Database.

Select  *
FROM ServiceManager.dbo.RelationshipTypeView
LanguageCode = 'ENU'
and (
Name like '%incident%' OR
DisplayName like '%incident%' OR
TargetName like '%incident%' OR
SourceName like '%incident%'

Replace "Incident" with different details if needed. For example "PrimaryOwner."